I've always toyed with the idea of setting up a big sale of all my no-copy objects in Second Life, but the logistics and time it would take always keep me from doing it. So when I saw No Littlething had already set up an indoor yard sale and consignment store, I stopped by.
The store is an attractive two-floor setup with some very nice outfits for L$29 and a slew of no-copy goodies in the L$10 to L$25 price range. You can find animated wall hangings and dance floors on the top floor, and the bottom floor has some very well designed chairs and sofas, all for L$10.
The one thing you need to do when you stop in and buy something is to bring your purchase home with you! No is always restocking the place after customers buy something, so nobody minds if you take a couch off the showroom or rip a frame off the wall. :D
The shop can be found here.