Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Mark Ferriter Gallery Opens In Bellatrix

Artist Mark Ferriter has brought over 20 of his real-life paintings to his gallery to the Bellatrix sim ( htt​p:/​/sl​url​. com​/se​con​dli​fe/​Bel​lat​rix​/77​/17​4/2​7 ). A native of Eliot, Maine, Mark now lives in Massachusetts with his young family.

His specialties include city paintings (Midwest Coffee House, Milwaukee Art Center, Chicago), surreal works (The Swingers, The Digger, Romance), still-lifes (Glass Still Life, Underwater Still Life, Brillo), and portraits (Girl 2, Breakfast, Mona). All his works are available for L$200 (modify/transfer). The gallery also features a wide selection of art from Apez, RL and SL photography for L$20, and fine vases from Shana Kinsei. Chairs are available to enhance the viewing experience and the general public is welcome!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Cool Little Music Hotspot In Second Life!

I admit it, with all the scripting and scripting and, well, scripting that I do, I don't get out in Second Life as much as I used to, or should. There are new wonders and attractions being built in-world and yesterday was no exception. Why yesterday? Because the music venue you see in the snapshot above has been open and jamming for less of 24 hours as of this posting!

I got a random TP from my equally random friend Jinny -- every time I stop by it's at another happening music venue -- and Live Music Hotspot was no exception. Lots of people in a festive mood, and the owner Guitarhero Dougall was there enjoying the scene as musician Michah Janus performed acoustic covers of Tom Petty's "Free Falling" and U2.

Guitarhero had this to say about the venue in yesterday's press release:

"I have created LMH to provide the SL public a music venue for its enjoyment. There will be a chain of these venues, operating as non-profit organizations, around SL. Musicians come and go according to their personal schedules, and this allows us to bring you more live musicians than most other clubs in SL! We are open 24-7-365 and the stream is always on! Stop in, hang out and enjoy the music!!!

"As such our tier and stream payments will be paid for by venue tips. If all goes well we may be able to bring you featured artists in the future! I did it once before with everyone's help. Let's do it again and make this the best live music venue in SL!!! It is by musicians for musicians and music lovers around the world and around the clock!!!

"Many many thanks go out to the people who are donating the land and sponsorships and their time and efforts to make this the best live music group chain in SL. Without you I could do none of this.

"Be sure to visit our partner and land sponsor, Fun Finders, with ZYNGO instant and daily payouts, and a shopping mall with rental space available too! LMH is also proud to announce sponsorship by OD Designs, which is backing me up at every venue I am in charge of to ensure the enjoyment of our musicians and guests.

"Also stay tuned for our second venue opening, a Live Music Hotspot at OD Designs. I will send out the opening day announcement when it is ready, so look for it in the next few days!"

To join the LMH group, just click here... check them out, it's not that often I have that much fun at a live music venue in SL and this has been a refreshing change!

Live Music Hotspot can be found at .

Checking the Events calendar, I saw I had already missed Joaquin Gustav (Argentinian Classical Guitar) and Barakademi Barzane (European Electric Guitar) but I hope to catch more great acts featured at LMH soon!

I gotta run... Thump Jaxxon is playing some of the best metal I've heard off or on SL. Later!

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